Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Burnign hte leaves

I have been trying for the last hour to get this on the video. I was a big boom and we all jumped and Hailey screamed and we all giggled. I was a fun leaf day
WE GOT THEM DONE! RACKING Jumping and playing then burning what a good day.Tigger would have said it was a blusteryDay. yes in deed it was!!


paula said...

Opps it is after 11!! and I no longer can spell. I know you are all think she never could!! HA HA HA

Yin said...

I went walking with Hailey that night and she still smelled like smoke! What a great way to get rid of leaves.

Rich Vial said...

I am so happy about my pyro son!

Melissa-Mc said...

where are the roasting sticks and marshmallows?