Tuesday, July 24, 2012

this past few months

 Chelle and I were able to take two cooking classes in Vermont this last visit. Bread  the staple of life which we don't eat much of anymore but fun to learn!!
 Sierra Janes birthday dinner with Gma. Sushi Hanna's of course!!
 Lavendar Festival time. Beautiful Girls!!
 Zuri making her special lavandar wand! Smells sooooo gooooddd.
 With the Larson's during the Fourth of July. Maddie in Awe of the fireworks! Eddie covering his ears, Lars grabbing his momma cousin sisters taking it all in with photo's Grandpas showing off his white 's below his shorts..hmmm
 Just some of the beautiful Landscaping Nathan is in charge of for all the wedding's at the lodge.
 More of the same, We have one more species of flowers to bloom and then all the colors will be there. Just breath taking!!
 Emily and Tyson's wedding. Uncle David and Aunt Eva's youngest daughter.
 Dot walking!! Yep with her lavandar fairy outfit and wand..
 Time for fair and some of this yuumy stuff!! This was last year..
And more of this... Kennedy is showing a steer and a heifer this year.. Hurray for traditions!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day

Here it is Fathers Day Rich is in Utah and my Dad is in Heaven. We will get to see Rich's Dad this week when we go to Yosemite passing thru Grants Pass the town Rich and I both grew up.
Today the primary children sang in Church. It was the best . I love Primary I'm the chorister. I work hard each week to come up with a way to teach the songs that will have  meaning and help them understand the gospel more each week.
Today we are getting ready for the ward 4th of July breakfast and parade. I wont be here the next two weeks and felt pushed to get the songs learned so that the next two weeks they could work out the missed and not remembered words.
The songs are "Marching Along" and "I love this land America". which I had missed said words. I love it when I get the teachers confused and they have to correct my missed said words. I'm learning right along with the kids.
Well at one point I had to tell them about being a solider, going to war and being Fathers Day told them about my Dad and the time he was out in the Pacific ocean. It was a very calm day and the
captain told the crew that they could go swimming. Dad did a swan dive of the bow of the boat. Not long after he entered the water a friend of his got a cramp in his leg and Dad went to his rescue. Of course I used this as a teaching moment. The waves started to get rough and the crew were called back to the boat. Well all went back to the boat but Dad and his friend and the boat started sailing away. I'm sure after they all got back on the boat the captain counted the men and found two missing. Meanwhile dad and friend were treading water for what seemed hours. Teaching moment. I asked the kids what do you think my dad did? That is right he prayed! The boat turned around and came back. But by now the waves were big and when he was up the boat was down. But, they were able to send out a smaller boat and eventually find him. True story He prayed and listened to the spirit and stayed calm while being rescued...
My dad he is my favorite pal ...He taught me how to work... Play ... and...Pray... then stick with whatever I'm doing until it is done.. thanks DAD!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

coos Bay

Ok I have just blogged 4 times from my phone to send you all pictures of this past week. Needless to say it didn't work, So when I get home TOMORROW!! I will try again. Wea re so ready to go home..THa would be Kev and I ...