The weather has been BEEp BEEp BEep this is the emergency broadcast system. It really works! They announce and people do what they are told. Sudden thunder and lightening storms,etc.
WE welcomed in Baby Eddie.
WE swam in Grandma and Grandpa's Lyle's pool. Played in the back yard pool went for walks miles and miles of walks.
Played legos until I now know what every part is, how it works, I can even make up stories about the newly created objects.
Have cooked, cleaned, washed and even put up pickles, and wiped a few cute little fannies.
Watched tears flow from joy and sorrow! Alot of my own
Conflict and resolution was had by all the young ones in the pic above.
The spirit was felt and thanks was given
Letters were written and stories were told.
Phone calls were made and pleas of come home MOM we need you here at home.
So Rich and I are having one more day here in the great village of Windsor Vermont.
Hugging our grandchildren, and there parents until we meet again.
Luckily there is the internet and skype.
WE will be off in that cute little car and take the ride of our lives. Just the two of us and arrive sometime in the next 7 days back in Oregon where we have others to love and care for. Whom I'm missing very much.
Watch for the 130 courthouse's Rich wants to visit and take pictures of. See if we can really do it or bag it all and just get home. Having our own form of the Amazing Race VIAL STYLE.
With a few stops to see relatives and friends and catch up.
WE love this life , our country, our friends and relatives.
WE are so bless beyond our wildest dreams.
So as kids are starting school Rich and I are starting out.....Out for now Windsor Vermont our 2nd home
Wow! That sure sounds like an awesome visit and a fun drive. Adventures are the best!
Drive home safely!
We miss grandma!
Isn't it nice to know you are missed. I'm glad you've had a wonderful time. Be safe traveling from one coast to the other.
Thanks Melissa and Hailey and Siouxie
Thanks for starting the tears, I was doing pretty good until now.
Thanks for all your help you were everything I needed right when I needed it. Thanks for being such a great grandma and mother.
Love you
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