It was a blast. when I can get to my camera I will post pictures.
It all started with Michelle and Rich coming home at the same time Monday night. Rich had been gone for the past 3 weeks. Michelle hasn't been home since a quick week-end when Chris got married.We all came home got settled and started tuesday. We anxiously awaited the arrival of Alicia who was driving home with Tucker. Whom Michelle had not met yet. WE got up and stayed up for a couple of hours just talking and hanging out in Michelles room with the babes. First late night
Wed getting ready for t-day.Cooking cleaning running around with trips to Rainbow ( the new house)Nate was getting Rock band for us all to play over the week -end. It was a huge hit. When it worked.The first time it did not work so he had to pack it all up and return it with Caitlin and Michelle. Nic and Hailey were to take off for Utah. So we had a late night visiting with them because they were going to be gone, and not be able to send any time with Michelle and kids.They ended up not going and coming over for dinner the next day. Thuy had brought some greatt crabs so ham turkey and crab all you could eat. Hoa has been crabbing and had caught over 100 in the last few weeks.YUM-O
WE had quite a crew over for dinner.
Chuong, Liyan and family Eva,Victor, and baby Felix
Cuong , Linh and kids,Kayla and Reagan
There mother SueLu and son Whe
Her daughter Chee and husband Dep and daughter Sarah
Nic ,Hailey and girls Kennedy,CC,Ava and Bree
Nate,Rich and Me
Alicia and Tucker
Hoa ,Thuy , and kids,Lyann,Vivian,Dillan, and Mia
WE ate and played games and had a great time.Thanks to Michelle and her great planning with the Right to Left game. It was a hoot.
Afterwards some stayed up and played games.
Friday we got ready to play some serious games. Settlers and apples to apples etc. Another late night See a pattern here.
Saturday Shopping all day getting clothes for Alicia. A fun lunch with Hai and her family. Leaving Rich home to prepare for his case in Utah. Then a serious night of rock band. Another Late night
Sunday church and getting the first crew to the airports with a guick visit with my sister Tamie and family and cousin from Texas and his wife and son.
Monday a little running around with Michelle and dinner at Hoa and Thuys
So that leaves us with Tueday and getting stuff for Michelle and lunch at her favorite Viet resturant. Pho Van. With the sisters and brother and spouses. Then more shopping then one last game of Rock band with the brothers and sister and kids. Boy are thee kids good! WE ended the day with Rich coming home
Wed leaves us with packing up Michelle after packing all night and getting her to the airport. What a quick week. I don't think we could have packed any more into it with out all of us geting sick from tooo much food and not enough sleep.
So here I sit . WE just had Rich's office party the first one I had not been involved it at all. It was sooo nice to just go and be a part of the party instead of the planners and hoping it would turn out . Cameron did a great job with the place the food and the games for the kids. WE even had Santa come. HO HO HO.
Rich and I spent 5 hours shopping for light fixtures on thurdsay and Friday all morning on door knobs and plumbing fixtures. Got them all ordered loaded up and delivered.
Tomorrow is Sunday GOOD I need a rest! Rich and alicia go back to Utah tomorrow night. Alicia to finish her finals at law school and Rich to work.
I will stay home and spend some time at Rainbow with the plumbers and electricians and sweeping the floors. Plus collect the rest of the musical instruments for Alicia to get to Sowers of Hope her school in the Congo.
Maybe squeeze in the auditions for the play at groner thursday and a few piano lessons.
Then I can get some serious shopping done hopefully on line and cross that off and move into the new house before X-mas. Tis the season!!!